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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Future Family

Hey it's me again and I finally got to catching up with this baby reality show I'm watching (I'm in 35/38 so push natin to!)

I keep realizing that a lot of the show's parents regret having their babies later in life. I keep feeling their disappointments just thinking of how much older they will be once their kids grow up to do their hobbies. I even cried together with the twins' dad that one episode. T_T

Also, this one pretty cutey patootie has some moments with her grandad. My sister never met ours and I never got to see them when I was already mature enough to know so I cried when those parts were showed, too.

I'm getting so emotional but I love realizing that even with all my doubts about dating and marriage and having kids that maybe I would want that happy family, too someday <3 p="">

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